How To Eliminate Stress

How To Eliminate Stress - Stress is a condition which occurs due to pressure in excess of the maximum power of a person with psychological actions to be less healthy and monitored by the disruption of the body's metabolic system and cause a variety of illnesses.

Stress faced by many urban communities throughout the world today, because the subject is influenced by various withdrawal demands of work, family economics, sickness and so forth.

stress easily take on the kind of person who flavorings, not sure myself, perfectionist and temperamental, with causes like physical load, dissatisfaction, loss, anxiety and failure, to cause ongoing stress effects.

to relieve stress, you can do the steps - steps to deal with stress following.

Chewing Gum.
study english in australia and get that natural current stress, chewing gum throughout the 10 minutes can reduce anxiety and lower the content of the hormone cortisol in saliva up to 18%.

Drinking Black Tea.
people who drank four cups of black tea every day throughout the six weeks are known to handle stress more quickly and have the hormones cortisol levels lower naturally as stress, according to research from university college london. chemical compounds and antioxidants present in black tea can contain one so enjoy brain and calm the nerves.

international journal of neuroscience reported that self-massage twice a week throughout the 15 minutes can lower stress and calm the nervous system. moreover, easy to move the tennis ball move in more or less the fingers can also give the same effect with a massage.

study published in 2010 in anxiety, stress, and coping found that writing about the depressing subject matter as long as 20 minutes throughout the two days can lower stress content. write down feelings on paper also helps us through the bad feelings and deal with negative emotions in yourself.

Listening to Music.
music can increase positive emotions and lower levels of stress hormones. study in the journal of advanced nursing found that patients who listened to a song of their choice throughout the 30 minutes, quieter operation when can face. moving to the rhythm of the song also increase your positive emotions and happiness leads to the production of hormones, namely endorphins.

Avoid Technology.
research at the university of california, irvine, as well as the U.S. Army researchers found that checking e-mail every time can lead to stress. then when you are so stressed, should reduce contact with technology or another handset, exemplified check e-mail, social networking, or else at least throughout the 45 minutes.

Cleaning the House.
routine cleaning can lower the tension residence in mind. people often quiet and easy to get distracted when doing repetitive routines like sweeping, mopping, as well as others. This kind of activity is also effective to make the body calm.

despite the presence of stress is something about a commonplace, but this issue should be addressed as early as possible, because if it was likely sustained stress can make a person so depressed moreover can also cause a variety of diseases, like the case of obesity, especially ulcer disease.

That's a few ways you can relieve the stress that practice in everyday life. hopefully guide above can handle the stress of a powerful and useful.

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