7 Super Spices Healthy

7 Super Spices Healthy - did you know that some types of spices and seasonings that there is in fact more or less we can be rich in antioxidants? ! What are these? Let's look together.

dr. Wendy Bazilian, author of The SuperFoodsRx diet: lose weight with the power of supernutrients mention that cinnamon is in the type of spices that can be used in various types of cuisines.

you can use it to sweeten tea, mix them into yogurt drinks, especially in grain oatmeal breakfast. not only as antioxidants, cinnamon is also able to control the content of sugar and cholesterol in the blood. break

dr. Bazilian called oregano as a mini salad. one tea spoon only antioxidant that has the equivalent of 3 cups of chopped broccoli.

oregano is typical snacks like pasta or pizza, but it would not hurt if you give grain-grains in your favorite grilled cheese sandwich.

that moment, when you make a simple salad pingin, then simply imbuhkan oregano on the tomato pieces, plus pepper, and olive oil.

The subject may sound surprising, but a teaspoon of ginger has the same antioxidant content as well with a cup of spinach. Ginger can be used not only as a mere seasoning in between, but it can also be used to satisfy the preferences of one's time in the form of sugary foods, for example, by sprinkling the pieces of fresh fruit, ice cream, or frozen yogurt.

besides that, in fact, ginger can also reduce pain and nausea caused by digestive problems.

dried red pepper
spice that comes from the pepper family, including red chili, cayenne, and paprika. dr. Bazilian says, these herbs can increase the metabolism, give a sense of satisfaction spicy meal times, and has the potential to stimulate fat burning in the body. break

rosemary can help reduce the effects of ongoing inflammation in the body. with no immediate, inflammation itself has potential as a critical factor in the emergence of other diseases.

you can give this type of spice into the cookie dough, bread, or sauce for meat / steak.

not only contains antioxidants, can also relieve thyme extract heat in the body.

turmeric or saffron
This spice commonly found in curry dishes. nourish the brain, making the self-protection of aging, as well as a row of heart-healthy benefits of spices typical of this homeland.

by continued healthy because it is so, then all he could include healthy spices lined above into your current daily menu.

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